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Newsletter - Archives

Newspaper is the ARGUS, March 9, 1962 Edition., Volume 69, Number 10. The newspaper is printed on thick, smooth, somewhat glossy paper and has 8 pages, each page measuring approx. 11 3/4"x16" and folded in half. In the upper right corner of the front page is an address label for Wing Luke. Wing Luke is included in the ARGUS election recommendations on the front page, left column, under City Coucil, Position No.5. He was given an "above average" rating. On page 2 of the same newspaper is a paid advertisement in the lower left corner for Wing Luke for Position No. 5. It includes 4 photographic images of Wing Luke and a list of people endorsing Wing Luke. Wing Luke ran in and won the 1962 election for Seattle City Concil Position No.5.
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