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Name Tag - Archives

1992.064.037A is a name tag measuring 1 1/4 x 3." It has a perforated top and bottom edge. The top and bottom have a red border with text printed in white. The top reads "Yakima" and the bottom reads "Fruit Bowl of the Nation." The middle area of the tag is white, now slightly yellowed. It has the line drawing of a bowl of fruit with a bird with a headband with a feather in it on top and a mountain behind. "Wing Luke/ King" is written in this center area in black and in the lower right corner is "Pres./ King County/ Young/ Demos," written in blue pen. 1992.064.037B is a clear plastic name tag holder measuring 2 1/4 x 3 1/2." It has a metal pin attached to its back.
Name Tag of Wing Luke and Plastic Holder
Object ID