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Stationery - Artifacts

A: Folded sheet of transparent white paper with embedded colored confetti, 6.625" x 9.5", folded into thirds, stamped red kokeshi dolls, one tall one has floral design on lower front, shorter one shows a baby's head above a cup shaped bottom representing a baby padded into a basket. B: Long envelope, 8 x 3.5", of light bluish gray handmade paper, front has 5 red boxes printed in a row for mailing purposes, back has a seam down the middle, sealed flap at one end and open flap at the other. A white strip of paper is glued in a ring around the envelope with a black seal and "Made in Japan" printed on it, originally held more envelopes. C: Long envelope, 8 x 3.5", of light beige handmade paper with some colored fibers, front has 5 red boxes printed in a row for mailing purposes, back has a seam down the middle, sealed flap at one end and open flap at the other. D: Rectangular envelope, 6.5 x 2.875", of cream colored paper, wood block printed motif of 3 kokeshi doll heads on sticks stuck into a bundle of straw in pink, red and black, back has a seam down the middle, sealed flap at one end and open flap at the other. E: 4 pieces of stationery, 8.375 x 5.875" which made envelope D, of cream colored paper, wood block printed motif of 3 kokeshi doll heads on sticks stuck into a bundle of straw in pink, red and black in lower left corner. F-I: 4 pieces of stationery,10 x 6" made of cream colored paper, wood block printed motif of folk toys in lower left corner, F: Gosho doll of plump child with left leg back and right leg forward, black hair, red and green clothing, holding a red, green and yellow temari ball, looking at the clay figure of a white dog with blue, red and yellow decoration; G: Tumbler dolls, one large red one with blue bamboo leaves, white dots and yellow pine needles, surrounded by 4 smaller dolls in yellow, blue, green and white; G: Seated figure with a purple head band, turquoise, pink and black clothing sitting on a curved green surface, drum shape with yellow sides nearby; Two kokeshi dolls, one standing has yellow robe and red and green striped middle hand head, one lying down is white with green, red and black details. K-J: 2 pieces of stationery, 10.25 x 6.75", semi-transparent white paper with vertical yellow lines for calligraphy and a yellow motif at the center top. K: Calligraphic design surrounded by plum blossoms inside a circle; L: Vessel or jar with 3 irises on upper third and wiggly and straight lines on bottom third, 3 petaled motif to the right.
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