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Painting - Artifacts

Image Painting
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Scroll painting, silk on paper, linen, scroll mounted. Top has a narrow wooden rod, bottom is rolled w/ a heavier blk rod w/knobs. Painting may be unfinished Depicts a man seated w/a woman on his rt and a woman on his left. He is wear- ing a blue outerrobe w/the crane insignia indicating 1st rank civil official & a long bead necklace. Underrobe is partially decorated or damaged and is a lighter blue, green and red. The women are dressed in identical plain dark blue outerrobes and a lighter blue underrobe. He is wearing an official's hat, black and red with finnial; women are wearing a snug fitting black cap or hair ornament. They are all seated on tiger robes (the tigers' nose & whiskers are peaking out from under their robes) & ornate chairs. A formal side table is in the background, two vases containing branches are on table, also a small bowl w/utensil & a red container, & a stack of books. They appear to be seated on a stage w/a drawn curtain that is tied back (pink & green). Depicting mid-18th c. official? See Chinese Dress, by Verity Wilson, for costume (41-42)
Object ID