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Horse Carving - Artifacts

Image Horse Carving
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Wood carved horse - Yawata - Uma Miniature horse carved from single flat piece of wood. Painted red with two gold dots for eyes and two white dots for nose and a white grooved mouth. On the cheeks are gold painted circles with crosses depicting a bit and white painted S shapes for reins. Alternating dots and stripes down the front which wrap around to the sides. Include white dots, a gold band with green dots, a green band with red dots. Painted down each side is a green band outlined in gold with red dots. Lines of white dots across fronts and sides of legs form a cross at the very back . Carved saddle is painted green with gold outline and a gold flower at each side with red center and gold mark below saddle represents stirrups. Two tufts of horse hair are inserted into the head and one a t the back forms a tail.
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