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A Slice of Rice, Frijoles, and Greens is a humorous and poignant mix of stories that gives vivid insights into the Asian, Latino, African and Deaf American experience. Using theater, music and movement, these artists open windows to their own worlds through their personal tales. Though each slice may be different, "rice, frijoles, and greens" join to make a statement that entertains while enlightening, taking audiences beyond cultural borders. A Grain of Sand - In a poetic fusion of story, song, and video imagery, Nobuko Miyamoto breaks through the forces of silence in search of her own song. To All Relations - Certain celebrations with community memebers and Great Leap
Great Leap Presents Excerpts from ~`~A Slice of Rice, Frijoles and Greens,~`~ ~`~A Grain of Sand~`~ and ~`~To All Relations~`~
Great Leap
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