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Tokuda.027 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 tablets Calomel and Soda No. 1 Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.028 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 Calomel, podophyllin & bilein comp. No. 1 The Abbott Laboratories
Tokuda.029 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass pocket tube 20 tablets Calomel and Soda Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.030 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass pocket tube 20 tablets Calomel and Soda Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.031 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Fluorescein Merck Merck & Co. Inc.
Tokuda.032 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine paper Santonin Merck Powder Merck & Co. Inc.
Tokuda.033 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine clear glass acacia usp powder
Tokuda.034 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass poison Strychnine Sulfate Merck U.S.P. Powder Merck & Co. Inc.
Tokuda.035 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine tin Antikamnia tablets analgesic antipyretic and anodyne The Antikamnia Remedy Co.
Tokuda.036 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass McNamara Drug Sulfathiazole Sod. Sesquihydrate Squibb.
Tokuda.037 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Methylene Blue Merck Methylthionine Chloride Merck & Co. Inc.
Tokuda.038 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Brilliant Green National Aniline Division Allied Chemical & Dye Corporation
Tokuda.039 Box Box, container tin Anasarcin tablets The Anasarcin Chemical Co. Vaso-motor Stimulant Cardiac Tonic Hydragogue
Tokuda.040 Box Box, container tin medicine 20 tablets Atophan Schering & Glatz, Inc.
Tokuda.041 Box Box, container medicine 20 tablets Atophan Schering & Glatz, Inc.
Tokuda.042 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Silver Nitrate Fused Merck poison Donaldson Drug Co.
Tokuda.043 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 gelatin-coated pills No. 760 Sumbul Compound Parke, Davis & Co.
Tokuda.044 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine glass 100 pills stroncylate The Upjohn Company
Tokuda.045 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Glass Cystogen uri solvent genito urinary germicide Cystogen Chemical Co.
Tokuda.046 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Iodide Merck
Tokuda.047 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Soluble Iron and Quinine Citrate U.S.P. Chas, Pfizer & Co., Inc.
Tokuda.048 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Creosote Carbonate, Roche The Hoffman-La Roche Chemical Works
Tokuda.049 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Poison 100 Dispensing Tablets Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.050 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce quinine tannate powder U.S.P Powers Weightman Rosengarten Co.
Tokuda.051 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce ammonium benzoate Mallinckrodt Chemical Works
Tokuda.052 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce bismuth hydroxidum bismuth hydroxide powder Powers Weightman Rosengarten Co.
Tokuda.053 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 tablet triturates sodium nitrite Sharp & Dohme
Tokuda.054 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 carminzym tablets Fairchild Bros. & Foster
Tokuda.055 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce ammonium salicylate U.S.P. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works
Tokuda.056 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 pil. cascara comp. Robins A.H. Robins Co.
Tokuda.057 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 tablets chlorazene para-toluene-sodium-sulphocloramide Dakin's New Antiseptic The Abbott Laboratories
Tokuda.058 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass compressed tablets nitroglycerin compound H.K. Mulford Co.
Tokuda.059 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 carminzym tablets Fairchild Bros. & Foster
Tokuda.060 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass mercurochrome H.W. & D. Brand of Merbromin Hynson, Westcott & Dunning, Inc.
Tokuda.061 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass Sample chocolate-coated pills no. 975 cholelith Parke, Davis & Co.
Tokuda.062 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass wrapped 100 tablet triturates calcium sulfide Sharp & Dohme
Tokuda.063 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass wrapped 100 tablet triturates calcium sulphide Sharp & Dohme
Tokuda.064 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 granules aconitine hydrobromide list no. 8 Abbott Laboratories
Tokuda.065 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass G.C. Oval 100 pills nitroglycerin Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.066 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine glass mercurochrome Hynson, Westcott & Dunning, Inc.
Tokuda.067 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 soluble gelatin-coated granules strychnine sulphate Sharp & Dohme
Tokuda.068 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 pills calcium sulphide Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.069 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 pills calcium sulphide Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.070 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 soluble gelatin-coated granules calcium sulphide Sharp & Dohme
Tokuda.071 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Berberine Hydrochloride Merck Merck & Co.
Tokuda.072 Box Box, container glass bottle cactina pillets Sultan Drug Co.
Tokuda.073 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one-fourth pint fluid extract gentian, U.S.P. gentiana lutea Eli Lilly & Co.
Tokuda.074 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass wrapped 100 tablets no. 889 mercurous iodide yellow Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.075 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce phenolphthalein powder U.S.P. Powers Weightman Rosengarten Co.
Tokuda.076 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass Johnson Drugs Geo, Tokuda, Prop. Oil of Pine
Tokuda.078 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 25 tablets Pyramidon H.A. Metz Laboratories
Tokuda.079 Box Box, container tablets 100 santonin and calomel no. 1 The Abbott Laboratories
Tokuda.080 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce chloretone chloroform derivative hypnotic Parke, Davis & Co.
Tokuda.081 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine wood Stuart's Calcium Wafer Compound
Tokuda.082 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass 100 tablets Papain & Charcoal Compound Squibb E.R. Squibb & Sons
Tokuda.083 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass G.C. Oval 100 pills cascara sagrada extract Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.084 Box Box, container medicine Durets methanamine, sodium acide phosphate and theophylline James Lawrence Co., Inc. contents 20
Tokuda.085 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass sugar coated poison 100 tablets strychnine sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.086 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 pills mercury biniodide Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.087 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 pills ergotin bonjean P.T. Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.088 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass friable triturates strychnine sulph. poison H.K. Mulford Co.
Tokuda.089 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Reargon
Tokuda.090 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 tablets No. 911 migraine Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.091 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Soft C.C. Oval 100 pills blaud compound with cascara Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.092 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Ergot claviceps purpurea Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.093 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce thyroid glands desiccated U.S.P Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.094 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Ammonium Iodide granular U.S.P. Powers Weightman Rosengarten Co.
Tokuda.095 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass one ounce Zinc Valerate Mallinckrodt Chemical Works
Tokuda.096 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass G.C. Oval Poison 500 pills Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.097 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Oil Rhodium Com'l No. 2 Imitation Pacific Drug Wholesale Druggists
Tokuda.098 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine wrapped Knowlton's O-M Tablets 65 tablets Mandrake, Cascarin, Aloin, Ipecac Old Mission Tablet Co.
Tokuda.099 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Arsenic Acid Powder Poison U.S.P. Powers Weightman Rosengarten Co.
Tokuda.100 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass wrapped White S.C. Round Poison 100 pills Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.101 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Glass Wrapped Poison 100 tablets Arsenous Acid Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.102 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Glass Wrapped Sodium Chlorate Merck Highest Purity Crystals Merck & Co.
Tokuda.103 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Wrapped G.C. Oval 100 pills Mercurous Iodide Yellow Eli Lilly & Co.
Tokuda.104 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Blue glass Poison 25 Antiseptic Tablets Bichloride of Mercury John Wyeth & Brother Division Wyeth Incorporated
Tokuda.105 Box Box, container Medicine Chamberlain's Tablets 40 Tablets Aloe, resin scammony, mercury
Tokuda.106 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Wood container Leach's Virgin Oil of Pine Windsor, Ont.
Tokuda.107 Box Box, container Medicine King's Discovery Ammonium Chloride, Oil of Pine Tar and Chloroform Standard Laboratories, Inc.
Tokuda.108 Box Box, container Medicine Heiskell's Ointment Johnston Holloway & Co., Inc.
Tokuda.109 Box Box, container Medicine Prescription Reese Chem. Co. Internal Balsam Copaiba Free and Saponified Methyl Salicylate and Potassium Hydroxide The Resse Chemical Co.
Tokuda.110 Box Box, container Medicine Poison 100 hypodermatic tablets Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.111 Container Container, round tin Cuticura Ointment Potter Drug & Chemical Corp. Laboratories
Tokuda.112 Box Box, container Medicine Salophen Brand of Phenetsal Winthrop Chemical Company, Inc.
Tokuda.113 Box Box, container Mayr's Powder No. 2
Tokuda.114 Box Box, container Medicine 100 hypodermatic tablets Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.115 Box Box, container Medicine Aspirol Amyl Nitrite Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.116 Box Box, container Medicine Ourine Aurine Company, Inc.
Tokuda.117 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass 100 tablets Antacid Dr. Roberts Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.118 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber glass Round 100 pills Blaud compound with Arsenic Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.119 Box Box, container Medicine Donaldson Drug Co. Lilly
Tokuda.120 Box Box, container Medicine Mothersill's Travel Remedy Ferd. T. Hopkins & Son The Mothersill Remedy Company, Limited
Tokuda.121 Box Box, container Medicine Nyal's Teething Powders Contain no Opiates Nyal Company, Distributors
Tokuda.122 Box Box, container Medicine 100 pillets Cactina OD Peacock Sultan Co.
Tokuda.123 Box Box, container Medicine 100 pillets Cactina OD Peacock Sultan Co.
Tokuda.124 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Poison 1000 tablets Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.125 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass West Coast Wholesale Drug Co. 4 oz. oil santal wood
Tokuda.126 Box Box, container Medicine Doan's Regulets 28 tablets Foster-Milburn Co.
Tokuda.127 Box Box, container Medicine Doan's Regulets 28 tablets Foster-Milburn Co.
Tokuda.128 Box Box, container Medicine Prostacones Physicians Drug Co.
Tokuda.129 Box Box, container Medicine Udga Tablets Udga, Inc.
Tokuda.130 Box Box, container Medicine 25 tablets U-Zone Laxative Tablets U-Zone Laboratories
Tokuda.131 Box Box, container Medicine 25 tablets U-Zone Laxative U-Zone Laboratories
Tokuda.132 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Amber Tokuda's Anti-Cold Capsules Tokuda Drug
Tokuda.133 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine hypodermic tablets no. 12 Caffeine & Sodium Benzoate H. K. Mulford Co.
Tokuda.134 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Red glass Red Salve and Sulphur Four-in-One Product Co.
Tokuda.135 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass Johnson Drugs Iron Sulphate Dried
Tokuda.136 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine Clear glass Jayne's Expectorant Dr. D. Jayne & Son Non-Narcotic
Tokuda.137 Bottle, medicine Bottle, medicine G.C. Oval Poison 100 pills Strychnine Sulphate Eli Lilly & Company
Tokuda.138 Box Box, container Medicine 25 tabloid Phenobarbital and Bromides, Effervescent Burroughs Wellcome & Co.
Tokuda.139 Box Box, container Medicine Vaseline Capsicum Petroleum Jelly Chesebrough Manufacturing Company
Tokuda.140 Box Box, container Medicine Kruschen Salts E. Griffiths Hughes, Inc.
Tokuda.141 Box Box Cardboard box, yellow Penick's Initial Line Tested Botanical Drugs Quassia Chips S.B. Penick & company
Tokuda.142 Bottle Amber color glass bottle of aluminum acetate. Corked top. Label reads: "Half Pound Aluminum Acetate Pure Basic. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. St. Louis, New York."
Tokuda.143 Bottle Clear glass bottle of salt crystals. Corked top with red label on cork reading: "Stewart & Holmes Drug Co. Seattle, WA" Lable on side of bottle reads: "Artificial Carlsbader Salts (crystal) An Ideal Saline Laxative Directions--One teaspoon full in a tumbler of hot water, fifteen minutes before breakfast. Stewart and Holmes Drug Co. Seattle, WA"
Tokuda.144 Bottle Amber colored glass bottle of wintergreen leaf oil. Corked with top of cork broken off. Two labels on bottle. Larger lable reads: "Magnus, Mabee & Reynard Incorporated Importers New York, Manufacturers U.S.A. MM&R Magnus, Purity, Strength Net Weight - 1lb. Avior. Oil Wintergreen Leaf - U.S.P. Gaultheria Procumbens (southern) Essential Oils - Drugs - Chemicals" Handwritten in black ink across large lable: "125oz ULIL" Smaller lable reads: "Packed expressly for Mckesson & Robbins, Inc. Stewart Holmes & Blumauer Frank Division Seattle, Washington"
Tokuda.145 Can Beige canister with lid of quinine sulfate. Can reads: "5ozs. Quinine Sulfate Merek U.S.P. (C20H24N2O2)2 . H2SO4 . 2H2O Mol. wt. 782.92 CAUTION - To be dispensed only by or on the prescription of a physician, or otherwise used only for manufacturing purposes. Merek & Co., Inc. - Rahway, N.J. Manufacturing Chemists"
Tokuda.146 Bottle Cardboard box containing bottle of Mayr's remedy for gas and constipation. Bottle corked containing red-pink liquid. Box reads: "Mayr's 'One dose will convince' for constipation and gases in stomach and intestines. Manufactured and guarenteed by George H. Mayr, manufactuing chemist 224-230 W. Hurton St. Chicago" Box contains bottle and 3" by 3" paper instructional and promotional booklet. Ingredients not included on packaging or booklet.
Tokuda.147 Box Cardboard box filled with respiration filters. Each white circular filter has a diameter of about 2". Box's navy blue lettering reads: "Goggles, gas masks, helmets, respirators. Willson Respiration Filters When ordering filter disc for Willson Dustite Respirators No. 1 and No. 2 be sure to specify filter No. X 2 3/4 These are packed 100 to the box Willson Products, Inc., Reading, PA."
Tokuda.148 Bottle Glass bottle of Florida Water perfume. Contains light yellow liquid. Cap covered with a silver-looking foil. Label decorated with a fountain and flowery scenery reads: "Florida Water contains 2 oz. fl. Alcohol 75% Murray & Lanman New York Prepared by Lanman& Kemp, Barclay & Co incorporated New York"
Tokuda.149 Bottle Amber colored bottle of powdered benzocaine - a local anesthetic. Corked. Label tape is peeling off. Label reads: "1 Ounce Anesthesin Ethyl Aminobenzoate List No. 1266 A local anesthetic, insoluble in water, to be applied externally as a dusting powder, either in pure form or diluted; in oitments, or in the form of suppositories ; and internally, in doses of form 0.31 to 0.5 Gm. (5 to 7 1-2 grs.) The Abbott Laboratories Chicago, U.S.A."
Tokuda.150 Bottle Amber colored bottle of oxyiodide. Corked and has white mold on the top of cork. Label reads: "Bismuth Oxyiodide Merck (bismuth 'subiodide') Merck & Co Distributors Guarantee No. 7 New York Guaranteed under the food and drug act, June 30, 1906"
Tokuda.151 Bottle Amber colored bottle with cork labled as mercury oxide. Bottle appears to be empty. Label reads: "POISON Mercury Oxide Red Merck Red precipitate Merck &Co"
Tokuda.152 Bottle Amber colored bottle containing tablets of calophen. Corked. Label reads: "100 Tablets Calophen (Upjohn) Calomel, 1-10gr. Phenolphthalein, 1-10gr. Aromatics, q.s. the Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Mich."
Tokuda.153 Bottle Amber colored bottle containing oval-shaped black pills of taraxacum extract. Corked. Label reads: "100 Gelatin-coated pills No. 623 Taraxacum Extract 3 grains Dose 1 to 3 pills Guaranteed by Parke, Davis & Co. under The Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. Parke, David & Co. Detroit, Mich. U.S.A."
Tokuda.154 Box Cardboard box with cardboard lid containing white crystaline powder labeled to be bromdiethylacetyl-carbamide. Label reads: "Adalin 1 oz. The name of the substance is: bromdiethylacetyl-carbamide The word 'Adalin' identifies it as the manufacture of the Farbenfabriken Frier. Bayer & Co., Elberfeld, Germany"
Tokuda.155 Bottle Clear glass bottle with metal lid containing amaranth oil. Color through the glass bottle is a purple-rusty-red. Label reads: "Net Weight - 1ounce M M & R F.D. & C. Red No. 2 Amaranth 184 Essential Oils - aromatic chemicals Packed expressly for Mckesson & Robbins, Inc. Frank Division Seattle, Washington"
Tokuda.156 Bottle Amber colored bottle containing senna oil. Corked. Bottle partially wrapped in thin brown tissue. Label reads: "One-fourth pint (118 C. C.) Fluid Extract Senna, U.S.P. (Cassia acutifolia) Contains alcohol 28 per cent Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis, U.S.A. Lilly" Back of lable contains instructions and uses for senna as a laxative.
Tokuda.157 Bottle Blue glass bottle containing pimento oil. Corked. Label reads: "Stewart and Holmes Drug Co. Wholesale druggists and importers of pure essential oils Oil Pimento Seattle"
Tokuda.158 Bottle Amber colored glass bottle with metal lid. Label reads: "Johnson Drugs Geo. Tokuda, Prop. 18th & Yesler Seattle Hydrated Alumina Tab"
Tokuda.159 Box Sage-green rectangular cardboard box with cardboard lid containing aconitine crystals. Yellow label reads: "Poison 100 In tubes of 20 Aconitine Crystals 1-200 Grain Eli Lilly & Company Indianapolis, U.S.A."
Tokuda.160 Jar Cylindrical clear glass container with navy blue metal lid. Contains invisible glove cream. Sealskin brand. Label reads: "Cadet Sealskin prevent 'dish pan hands' The invisible waterproof glove for beauticians, nurses, housewives, factory workers, etc."
Tokuda.161 Box Golden-yellow box containing three small cylindrical glass vials of lithium tartrate tablets. Vials are corked and each contain 12 light yellow tablets. Label on outer box reads: "36 Tablets Cystogen - Lithia Effervescent Tablets of cystogen 3 grains and lithium Tartrate 3 grains. Usual Dose: One or two tablets, three or four times daily. Must be dissolved in a glass of water. Directions for dispensing - see card in box. Cystogen Chemical Company St. Louis, MO, U.S.A."
Tokuda.162 Tube Aluminum cylindriclal container with metal lid sealed with red plastic. Contains 25 antacid tablets. Label reads: "Nulacin antacid tablet 25 tablets, 48 grs. each Distributors: Pharmaceutical division of Horlicks Corporation, Racine, Wis."
Tokuda.163 Box Red cardboard box containing cylindrical tube with cap. Tube is wrapped in silver-looking foil. Box label reads: "Williams Holder Top Re-load Shaving Stick The J.B. Williams Co. Glastonbury, Conn. U.S.A."
Tokuda.164 Bottle Cardboard cylandrical holder containing clear-light blue glass bottle with cork. Bottle contains iron tablets. Label on cardboard holder reads: "60 tablets - price $1.10 Nuxated Iron Dae Health Laboratories, Inc. Stamford Conn."
Tokuda.165 Bottle Clear glass jar with red metal lid containing barium sulfate powder. Label reads: "Johnson Drug Geo. Tokuda, Prop. 18th & Yesler Seattle, Washington Barium Sulfate USP."
Tokuda.166 Tube Cylindrical tube wrapped in red paper. Black lettering on the paper reads: "Knowlton's O-M Tablets Contents, Approx. 65 tablets Containing Mandrake, Cascarin, Aloin, Ipecac. Distributed by Old Mission Tablet Co. Pasadena, California."
Tokuda.167 Box Green-blue cardboard box containing catnip. Printing on box reads: "Initial Line loose pressed Catnip Herb nepeta cataria One ounce S.B. Penick & Co. Crude Drugs New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Mild Aromatic Steep a heaping teaspoonful in a cup of boiling water strain and drink."
Tokuda.168 Bottle Two identical clear glass bottles with glass and plastic stoppers, 2.5" by 1.5".
Tokuda.169 Box Light blue cardboard box containing senna pods. Box label reads: "Initial Line Loose Pressed Senna Pods (Cassia Acutifolia & C. Angutifolia) Net Weight One Ounce S.B. Penick & Co. Crude Drugs New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Ashville N.C., Chicago, ILL, Jersey City, N.J."
Tokuda.170 Bottle Clear glass dome-shaped bottle with metal lid containing 2 small metal balls. Metal balls have a crack down the middle and are the size and shape of peppercorns.
Tokuda.171 Box Turqoise cardboard box containing laxative tablets. Box Label reads: "Baalmann's Lax Tablets Distributed by J. Baalmann Mfg. Chemist San Francisco, Cal. U.S.A."
Tokuda.172 Box Green metal box containing cold medicine. Box is pocket-sized and looks similar to a breath mint box. Writing on label reads: "Clear Again 8 Tablets 5gr. each For Head Colds Directions: Adults--swallow two tablets at once; swallow one tablet each hour thereafter. Six tablets are usually sufficient. Children, ten years or older-- One tablets at once; half tablet each hour thereafter. One tablet and four half tablets are usually sufficient. Aurora Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, ILL,."
Tokuda.173 Tube Yellow and black cylidrical cardboard tube with cardboard lid containing jalap. Label reads: "15 cents 1/2g. po. Jalap Dose 15 grains Distributed by Erwin Pharmacy CA. 0010 18th & Yesler Seattle, WASH"
Tokuda.174 Jar Opaque white glass jar with metal lid containing eucalyptus oitment. Label reads: "DEO The Genuine Dennis' Eucalyptus Oitment Made by Dennis MFG. Co. Sutter Creek and Berkeley, Cal. Net Weight 1oz."
Tokuda.175 Tube White paper and cardboard tube of "No-Ake" tablets for pain relief. Label reads: "No-Ake, for Pain Guarenteed by The Peruna C. Columbus, O. Each tablets contains 2 grains of acetanilide"
Tokuda.176 Box Yellow cardboard box containing "foot-ease" powder. Black label writing on box reads: "Allen's Foot-Ease Directions: Sprinkle Allen's Foot-Ease on the feet and into the shoes. A comforting, soothing powder for the feet. Eases the friction of new or tightly fitting shoes. Tends to keep the feet and shoes sweet, dry and wholesome Allen S. Olmsted United Sales & MFG. CO. Division of Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A."
Tokuda.177 Box Light blue-green box containing Protogen No. 10 used to treat syphilis. Box label reads: "Physicians sample Protogen No. 10 Formula Dr. A. S. Horovitz From the laboratory of The WMS Merrell Chemical Co. Cincinnati Directions Protogens should be kept at room temperature. Before opening Ampoule place it in hot (not boiling) water, to bring contents to approximately blood temperature. With-draw contents in the usual way and expel from the syringe any quantity in exess of the required dosage. Sterilize the skin surface before administration. Massage the site after injection."
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